Nashville Visual Artists-Carrie Cox

Carrie Cox's work is a stunning mix of shape, line and color. Whether it's the shapes of objects found, collected and arranged for the viewer to see, or a dizzying amount of pieces of paper that she's assembled into mobiles, her work is impressive in design and the message of be-in-the-moment zen significance. You can find her at Platetone most Fridays if you wanted to see more of her work. She will also have a piece in the Collage Collective show at Turnip Green this month.

Nashville Visual Artists  is a photo documentary that profiles visual artists living and working in Nashville. The purpose of this project is to bring awareness to the strong visual arts scene here. Nashville is famous for its music culture but a lot of people aren't familiar with its rich visual arts culture. By interviewing artists and documenting their process in the studio, I hope to draw more attention to the visual-arts community here.


What is the theme of your work?
I don’t  have an intentional theme. Many have pointed out to me the continued use of water imagery. I began incorporating indigo dyes a couple of years ago. Using the color blue and having grown up in Florida with an ocean landscape will always be a source of inspiration for me. My intention is to always invoke a sense of calmness and quiet for the viewer. A theme usually presents itself when I finish a new body of work.

What inspires your work?
All the local artists you have spotlighted in your blog and of course my fellow members at Platetone Printmaking Paper and Book Arts. I am very drawn to Asian art and the abstract. Often I am inspired by a process or the materials I am working with.

What are the goals for your work?
To get better – more refined in my making and to learning more about the business of being an artist. When I accomplish this, I then hope to have the opportunity to exhibit outside of Nashville.

What are your thoughts on the Nashville art scene?
It’s great to see what is happening around town and I am so grateful for the opportunities I have been given to exhibit. The Nashville landscape is changing so much it is hard not to worry about being pushed out of an area because of high costs. I think if we continue to support one another the art scene will continue to grow and strengthen.